
Upcoming Offerings

Spring Cleanse

Tuning Into your seasonal Body

April 28th-May 7th, 2024


Zoom Calls:

  • April 27th 10-12pm

  • May 7 10-12pm

Cost: $250 (sliding scale available on request)

In Ayurveda, Spring is the best season to cleanse our bodies and prepare our bodies and digestion for the rest of the year. Think of it as an internal spring cleaning!

This cleanse is designed to give you enough time to gently and gradually clear out undigested, un-metabolized, food & emotions which can build up in our system and are often the root of disease in our bodies.

Cleansing is an inward journey that allows us to get in touch with our subtle body and attune deeper to our body’s communication. In this quieter place we can make space to become an observer, more aware of our bodies natural signals of hunger and thirst and more equipped to get to the root of emotions that arise in us. In this way, cleansing is much more than a diet you follow. It can be a guide to deeper healing, a teacher.

Putting yourself through this process means that you will leave the cleanse feeling lighter, more focused and clear. making choices from a grounded empowered place, feeling a great reset on every level and ready for the seasons ahead.

This is by far the single most important thing I do for my health each year and I am delighted to guide this journey for you which goes much deeper than the physical.

Grateful to be your guide,

Zoë (Swara)

  • Digest stored emotions

  • Clear out un-metabolized food matter in the body

  • form a deeper connection to your subtle body

  • Tune into your body’s communication signals

  • curb seasonal allergies

  • improve your digestive fire

Included in your cleanse:

  • Intro to Ayurveda

  • Daily Ayurvedic recipes (including Ayurvedic herbs)

  • Suggested Daily schedule (including morning routine)

  • Two group Zoom calls & Whatsapp group

  • One 1:1 30 min call with Zoë

  • The Ayurvedic spring cleanse focuses on warm, simple, digestible foods. The recipes consist mainly of Mung beans and rice cooked in various ways with an integration of vegetables in the second half. If you have trouble digesting these foods then it would be recommended to do an Ayurvedic Intake with Zoë instead of the cleanse to get more customized support.

  • During the cleanse you will want to be as easeful as possible and make time and space for the process your body is going through. Expect your energy to be variable, especially in the first half of the cleanse. It is recommended to go light on workouts, social activities and anything that could demand a lot of your energy.

  • That’s ok! This cleanse is not about starving you, if you feel hunger it is recommended to have a spoon full of honey or some of the digestive tea recipe provided. If you still are feeling hungry you can eat more of the daily recipe. It is important that you get enough to eat each day to support your energy.

  • Yes, it is recommended to stop consuming any stimulants to give your body the chance to fully detox. This may sounds really hard for some and its best to begin tapering off caffeine and other stimulants prior to the cleanse to make it a gentler transition.

  • Yes, you may resume your usual diet, however it is recommended to slowly integrate foods especially meat, caffeine and fried foods as they can feel heavy after eating lighter foods.

  • The Cleanse is contraindicated if you are:


    -Breast feeding (and your infant consumes no other food but your milk. If infant also consumes other foods like formula, cow or other milk, semi solids then you can go ahead and do this detox. It will actually benefit your child)

    -You are thin and wish to gain weight

    -You are experiencing hyper pitta symptoms like heat all over the body, burning in stomach, ulcers or acid reflux (of an excessive variety)

    -Please DO NOT do this cleanse if you are aware of a certain medical condition that may be aggravated by a detox.

  • -You may continue taking your natural or health supplements (prescribed by other natural healers) during the course of detox or you may NOT decide to take them (and resume when you stop the detox). This is entirely up to you.

    -Continue with all other medications that have been prescribed by your physician. It is your responsibility to stay checked in with your MD.

Frequently asked Questions