About Zoë

Initiated into the Vedika Parampara (a living Vedic lineage), Zoë spent many years studying at the feet of her beloved teacher, Acharya Shunyaji of Ayodhya, India. She has been immersed in the vedic path, studying Ayurveda, Yoga and Advaita Vedanta (non-dual Philosophy) in a living form. Zoë has had the very rare opportunity to receive this knowledge and technology through the oral transmissions of her teacher, passed down through her teacher’s ancestral lineage and has been carrying them with great care and responsibility as it is her commitment and duty.

Through this great knowledge she has been learning about the intricate mirrored connection between our microcosmic being and the macrocosmic world around us; The subtle qualities of being; the perspective of a soul living in human form. She shares what she has learned through embodied daily practices, one-on-one in depth council and experiencial learning through her sessions. "After completing 7 years of service and study with her teachers, Zoë received her blessing to practice in 2012. She quickly recognized the need for a somatic entry in the process of healing with Ayurveda so she went to study the art and science of therapeutic bodywork modalities: Acupressure, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue and swedish.

One modality in particular stood out, Esalen, which has become a staple in her practice for it's attention to the whole being and focus on nervous system repair and subtle body attunement. This modality of working with the whole being, met with Zoë's Ancient Ayurvedic teachings, transmissions and voice makes her practice what it is today.